on 16 Jan, 2018 / by Prithvi Nath
This is God calling…..
For a thousand years, I bore in silence countless convulsions deep down the Earth that generated cyclones and volcanoes on the seas and remote land masses in silence, but on April 26, 2015, I performed the last dance on the crown of earth with my entire body gyrating down the jumbo peninsula of India. It was a dance of sorrow amidst the many dead and wounded devastated by the massive earthquake. It was a dance to the tune of thousands of 1000 meter wide and long tons of ice blocks crashing down on the Everest with crevices opening all around. Indians called it Tandava of Half Female God-Ardhnirishwar. Then the rumblings deep down the Peninsula brought up the Lost River Saraswati in Jaisalmer in Rajasthan and Bhagwanpura in Karnal (confirmed by pictures sent by US satellite LandSat).The New Age of Dwaapar had begun.
…….65 million years ago I began the process of Creation in the Southern Hemisphere adrift a Jumbo island on Planet Earth. It took me 55 million years to collide into Asia and sliding under Tibet, thrust Himalayas with its peak rising 9 km to Mount Everest in Nepal and Bhutan with a peninsula underneath, whose western wing dipped towards the Sea, eastern towards Assam and Myanmar while below the southern tip lay Sri Lanka.
While the Indus Rivers in the West, Ganges in the Center and Brahm Putra in the East nurtured a natural life of insects, animals and mammals over a period of nine million years, I commenced the evolution of humanity 50,000 years ago after the apes had evolved into human beings.
After the completion of four ages of human evolution -Golden, Silver, Brass and Iron, the pendulum swung back to the Brass age-Dwaapar after the ending of the shortest- Iron, The Kaliyuga.
The sub continent kept racing @ 2-5 cm a year northwards pushing the Himalayas higher till April 26, 2015, when like a coiled spring they lurched with a large landmass slipping underneath. It was my last dance atop Himalayas in Nepal with the epicenter of earthquake measuring 7.9 on Richter scale at shallow depth of 12 km below the Earth at its capital Kathmandu. Having borne the rumbles for 700 years in silence, it is the last deadly dance of nature that gives opportunity to over 2 billion people- nearly 1/3rd of world’s population spread over seven nations-Mainland China, Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistan, Burma, the largest Indian Peninsula, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka to build safe and secure homes for the people in the new age of clean living in Affordable Homes to accommodate its rising population, with rural Asia turning urban in the next decade.
The emphasis will be on building affordable owned and rental homes to cater to the vast migration to urban centers from the hinterland. Land acquisition for transport and commercial corridors linking smart cities of the future as also retrofitting the present will be the need of the hour.
Unlike, China, where ghost towns were built without interaction with the people, New Asia will build and rebuild urban hubs and create smart and global cities to provide impetus to its economic growth through housing for all. The last tango at Nepal highlights following principles for affordable housing:
• Structural Engineering will govern house building.
• Use of technology for safe exits, earthquake dampeners and safe evacuation
• Private Sector initiative to build safe and secure housing in mass to cater to the need of millions.
Courtesy : www.charanamrit.com